Individual Valor Award
Individual Valor Award

This award is presented annually to individuals who have distinguished themselves through courageous actions in life-threatening situations.

Anyone can nominate an individual that meets the criteria outlined below for recognition.

A selection committee reviews situations where the nominated individual acted without regard for their own life to save a fellow officer or an innocent victim.

Nominations eligible for review must be from the previous year of the awards banquet. For example, the situation must have occurred in 2023 or earlier to be eligible for review.

All nominations must include the following:

  • Full Name.
  • Department / Agency / Organization.
  • Documentation of the event in a paragraph.
  • A contact person to verify the event, actions, or conduct.
Nominee Information
Please submit a photo of the candidate suitable for publication. In uniform is preferable.
Please provide an agency logo or badge of the candidate's organization in the highest resolution possible.
Event Information
Please let us know where we can find a video of the incident.
Your Information (or person submitting nomination)